I'm Chris, and I love helping people create and deliver awesome speeches.
I remember when I was asked to be best man about ten years ago. The first thing I did was go running to google for inspiration (like you probably are now). And like me, you have probably found that the internet is awash with free wedding speeches, speech templates and tired wedding jokes. Using this material, this best you can hope for is a speech written for other someone else and full of cliched jokes people have already heard before at other weddings.
Which is why I started the Wedding Toaster. A place where you can get a truly unique, entertaining speech that not only makes the audience laugh but also encapsulates everything you want to say about the bride and groom.
Penske Material
Trust me, when you give a great speech at any wedding people will talk about it for years to come.
Oh, and if you are nervous about your upcoming speech, then you should definitely get in touch. Speaking anxiety is something that can be managed in a relatively short amount of time. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will feel more confident and actually start looking forward to the speech!
So what are you waiting for? Give me a call now for a chat about how I can help you give the speech of your life.